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Alternative to Expedia

Alternative Airlines
An Alternative to Expedia

Alternative Airlines offer a fast, easy and convenient way to buy flights on a multitude of airlines, a variety of ways to pay and excellent customer service. Find out why we're not only THE best alternative to Expedia, but why we're actually better...

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Why Alternative Airlines is the best Alternative to Expedia

At Alternative Airlines, we believe that you can only truly be an expert at one thing. That's why, unlike Expedia, we don't offer hotels or car rental. Instead, we specialise in flights and flight-related services only. This allows us to put 100% of our efforts into making sure that we're the best place in the world to buy flights. This is how we do it...

Use our search form at the top of the page to search for flights right away.

Airlines logos

More than 600 airlines

We offer flights from more than 600 airlines worldwide — which is a number that's always rising. Our ultimate goal is to offer flights from every single airline in the world. But, until then, we'll continue to wear the crown for most airlines offered.

We pride ourselves in being able to offer flights that travel anywhere, at any time and for any purpose.

It doesn't matter if you're flying regionally in Africa for business, from state to state in the US to see family or backpacking around Latin America or Southeast Asia — the wide variety of airlines available to book through Alternative Airlines means that there's always a ton of flights to choose from. 

Ancillary options

Seats, bags & more

Websites like Expedia are so focussed on offering hotels, car rentals and other services, that they lose sight on the things that people really find important when booking a flight. 

At Alternative Airlines, we know that being able to pre-book your seat and add additional baggage to your reservation is as important as the flight itself. 

That's why, we've made it really easy to pre-book your seat and add extra baggage on a range of airlines at the time of booking, which is something that can't be done through Expedia and most other flight-booking sites.

We offer a variety of other flight add-ons as well, such as Cancellation Protection and more.

Payment methods

Over 40 payment methods

How you pay is as important as what you pay.  We offer more than 40 local payment methods, including e-wallets, financing options and crypto payments. This is over five times more payment methods than Expedia has.

We work with big brands such as PayPalAffirm, Apple Pay, MTN, and more to ensure that no matter where you're in the world, you can pay using your favourite payment method to pay for your flights.

Can I make changes to my booking? Yes!

Excellent Customer Service

The Alternative Airlines Customer Service team is on-hand to help with any question or query that you might have.

Our team is devoted to offering the best customer service and responding to each and every customer in a quick and efficient manner. It doesn't matter if you've made a reservation or are looking to make one – we can help you every step of the way. 

Our team is really friendly, super attentive and always happy to help, so don't think twice about contacting us!

Similar to Expedia, you can contact us via phone, email and live chat. Plus, as an extra to Expedia, you can contact us by Whatsapp too.

  Alternative Airlines Expedia
No. of airlines ✔ 600+  ✖ 550
Ways to pay ✔ 25+  7
Ways to contact ✔ 4 3
Pre-book seats? ✔ Yes No
Pre-book baggage? Yes No
Review rating
Trustpilot logo
4.4 star rating
Expedia star rating

We aren't the only ones saying it

Many people who have used both Alternative Airlines and Expedia think that Alternative Airlines is the best alternative to Expedia out there.

“Excellent experience”

Big variety of payment options. I often use PayPal. Several useful filtering options for your search. Easy and straightforward website. Very easy to understand the process. I found a better alternative to Expedia. Customer service replied to me after a few minutes.


“Perfect experience”

I was so sceptical using this service but wanted to try using PayPal to purchase a ticket. Was a flawless process and offered more options at better pricing than Expedia. Have already used them for a second flight!.


“Multiple payment options”

The website was easy to navigate and good prices as an alternative to Expedia...


“Easy, cheap and supports paypal!

The flights listed were cheaper than Expedia and AA uses PayPal. Nice :)

Trusted globally

Rated Excellent on Trustpilot

We’re super proud of our Trustpilot rating, but don’t just take it from us. See why millions of others love booking their flights through Alternative Airlines