There are also some other things you might want to think about when preparing for your long-haul flight, such as the following:
Compression socks - Compression socks help improve circulation and prevent blood from pooling in the legs during long flights. It is recommended for people who suffer from low blood pressure or DVT to wear these during your flight.
A blanket - A blanket can be a nice inclusion to your carry-on, especially if you are doing an overnight Red-Eye Flight. It is an easy piece of comfort which can be packed up and stored on the go.
A bottle of water - Staying hydrated will help keep you happy and healthy on your flight. Keep in mind you will not be able to bring a bottle of water through the airport with you, so you will need to get one either onboard your flight or on the air side of the airport.
Headphones - If you are bringing your own in-flight entertainment (such as electronic devices) onboard then consider bringing headphones, so that you can listen to music, movies and other multimedia at your desired volume without frustrating other passengers.