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Buy Flights with FLOA

FLOA is currently unavailable

Unfortunately, FLOA is currently unavailable at Alternative Airlines. Although FLOA isn't available at checkout yet, we still offer alternative Buy Now Pay Later plans that can help you split the cost of your flight tickets into more manageable instalments. Check out these pay-later plans in the guide linked below.

A plan in the sky between buildings

Buy Flights with FLOA

Book flights with any of the 600+ airlines we ticket and pay later with FLOA at Alternative Airlines.

FLOA is a flexible Buy Now Pay Later solution that lets you pay for your purchases over time. Choose to pay for your flights in 3 or 4 instalments, paid monthly with a first payment on the day of the purchase. FLOA is available at Alternative Airlines in France, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Portugal.

How to Buy Flights with FLOA

Search for flights

Search for flights

Use our search form at the top of this page to begin searching for flights. Enter your departure and arrival cities, the number of passengers, and your preferred cabin class. Click 'Search Flights' to compare airline and flight options.

How to Buy Flights with FLOA

Step 2 - Select FLOA at checkout

Select FLOA

Enter your passenger details, then select 'FLOA' as your payment method.

How to Buy Flights with FLOA

Step 3 - View booking and payment with FLOA

Complete your booking

You'll then be re-directed to FLOA to complete your booking. We'll send you your e-ticket as soon as your booking is confirmed.

A woman smiling while looking at her phone

FLOA & Flights

Here at Alternative Airlines, we provide many convenient ways for you to book your flights online, with over 600 global airlines available and 40+ ways to pay including Buy Now Pay Later plans.

Why use FLOA for flights?

If you want to spread the cost of your flights over time, FLOA might be the solution for you. With FLOA, you have the option to split your purchase into 3 or 4 monthly instalments.

We offer FLOA in France, Portugal, Italy and Spain, where you can choose to pay in 3 or 4 monthly instalments. We also offer FLOA in Belgium, where you can choose to pay in 3 instalments.

Available in the following countries

Round French flag



Round Belgium flag



Round Italian flag



Round Spanish flag



Portugal flag



To qualify for FLOA, you must:

Euro symbol

Be a resident of France, Belgium, Italy, Spain or Portugal

18+ icon

Be aged 18 or over

Mobile icon

Have a mobile number registered in France, Belgium, Italy, Spain or Portugal

ID card icon

Own a Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card of which the validity covers the duration of the financing (ex: 3 months for a 4X) to pay for flights with FLOA

Airline logos

600+ airlines to choose from

Did you know that at Alternative Airlines, you can book flights with over 600 airlines and pay later with FLOA?

Whether it's a short flight to visit family or that long-awaited trip you've always dreamed of, we've got you covered. Spread the cost of your flights over time today with FLOA.

E-ticket on mobile

E-tickets sent instantly

After you've booked your flights and made your first FLOA payment, we'll email you your tickets straight away. We'll send you your e-tickets within 24 hours, keeping you updated along the way.

Trusted globally

Rated Excellent on Trustpilot

We’re super proud of our Trustpilot rating, but don’t just take it from us. See why millions of others love booking their flights through Alternative Airlines


What is FLOA?

FLOA is a Buy Now Pay Later payment solution in France, also available in Spain, Italy, Belgium and Portugal. FLOA offers instalment options, allowing you to split your purchase into 3 (3x) or 4 (4x) monthly instalments.

Can I use FLOA to pay for flights within Europe?

You can select FLOA as your payment method at checkout to spread the cost of your flights within Europe over time. FLOA is available if you're a resident of France, Spain, Belgium, Italy or Portugal.

Can FLOA be used for flights?

Yes, FLOA can be used to split the cost of your flight purchase into 3 (3x) or 4 (4x) monthly payments at Alternative Airlines. The instalment option available to you will depend on the country in which you reside.

Find out more about all the other Buy Now Pay Later options that we offer here at Alternative Airlines.

How does the payment in 4 instalments by credit or debit card work?

The payment in 4 instalments by credit or debit card is a split payment over 4 monthly instalments, as per the schedule below:

1st payment is processed on the day the order is confirmed: one quarter of the total amount.

2nd payment is processed 30 days after the order is confirmed: one quarter of the total amount.

3rd payment is processed 60 days after the order is confirmed: one quarter of the total amount.

4th and final payment is processed 90 days after the order is confirmed: one quarter of the total amount.

If they are extra fees, they are divided across the 4 due dates.

FLOA’s Terms & Conditions

See Portugal’s Terms & Conditions in Portuguese

Pague em 3 ou 4 prestações sem juros ou em pagamento diferido sem custos, com cartão de crédito ou débito com o seu parceiro FLOA.

FLOA, uma sociedade anónima (société anonyme), com o capital social de € 72.297.200, registada no registo comercial de Bordeaux com o número 434 130 423, com sede em Bâtiment G7 - 71 Rue Lucien Faure em Boreaux (33300), FRANCE. Oferece soluções de pagamento reservadas a particulares (pessoas singulares maiores de idade) residentes em Portugal e titulares de um cartão bancário Visa ou MasterCard com uma data de validade correspondente à duração do reembolso que lhe permite pagar as suas compras de bens e/ou serviços, através de "Pagamento em 3X” ou “Pagamento em 4X”, sem juros.

Após ter concluído a sua encomenda, deverá optar por pagar utilizando o método de pagamento pretendido "Pagamento em 3X” ou “Pagamento em 4X” por Cartão de Crédito ou Débito; será então redirecionado para a página web da FLOA, onde poderá efetuar o seu pagamento. A FLOA reserva-se o direito de aceitar ou recusar o pedido de financiamento; o cliente poderá, dentro do prazo de 14 dias, cancelar o pedido de pagamento efetuado. Para mais informações, clique aqui.

Note que se solicitar o pagamento da sua encomenda de bens e/ou serviços utilizando estes métodos de pagamento, os seus dados

pessoais serão transmitidos à FLOA para efeitos de análise do pedido de financiamento, gestão do contrato de crédito e, se for caso disso, de

recuperação. Para mais informações, clique aqui.

See Spain's Terms & Conditions in Spanish

Nuestro socio financiero, FLOA, le ofrece soluciones de pago aplazado en forma de préstamos para sus compras de bienes y/o servicios en 3 o 4 plazos con tarjeta de crédito o débito a pagar en un máximo de 3 meses. [TAE mínima del 8,27% y máxima del 12,87%]. Con intereses. El importe mínimo a financiar es de 50€ y, el máximo, de 2.499€.

Pago en 3 o 4 plazos con gastos.

Por ejemplo, para una compra financiada de 1.000€, las cuotas serían: 3 cuotas en 2 meses. TIN 12,04%. TAE 12,73%. Gastos mínimos a un tipo del 1% de la compra. Primera mensualidad: 336,68€ (3,34€ de tasas y 333,34€ de cuota). 2 cuotas de 336,66€. Importe total de la deuda: 1010,00€. Coste total del crédito: 10€. Sistema de amortización francés (cuotas de pago periódicas que incluyen el capital). Precio de compra sin financiar sería de 1.000€ y, financiado, de 1.010,00€.

Pago en 3 o 4 plazos sin gastos.

Por ejemplo, para una compra financiada de 1.000€, las cuotas serían: 4 cuotas en 3 meses. TIN 0,00%. TAE 0,00%. Gastos mínimos a un tipo del 0%. Primera mensualidad: 250,00€ (0€ de tasas y 250,00€ de cuota). 3 cuotas de 250,00€. Importe total de la deuda: 1.000,00€. Coste total del crédito: 0,00€. Sistema de amortización francés (cuotas de pago periódicas que incluyen el capital). El precio de compra sin financiar sería de 1.000€ y, financiado, de 1.000,00€.

Estas soluciones de financiación no están sujetas a la Ley 16/2011, de contratos de crédito al consumo, y están reservadas a personas físicas (mayores de edad) residentes en España y titulares de una tarjeta bancaria Visa o MasterCard que no caduque antes de la última fecha de reembolso. La financiación está sujeta a la aceptación de FLOA. Dispone de 14 días naturales para ejercer su derecho de desistimiento. Para más información, pulse aquí para ver los Términos y Condiciones aplicables al pago en varios plazos de FLOA.

FLOA es una sociedad anónima constituida en Francia, inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Bordeaux 434 130 423 y con sede social en: Immeuble G7, 71 Rue Lucien Faure 33300 BORDEAUX. FLOA está sometida

al control de la “Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution” (ACPR) 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 PARIS, número del Registro ORIAS 07028160 (

Recuerde que, si solicita el pago de su pedido de bienes y/o servicios utilizando una de estas soluciones de pago, sus datos personales se transmitirán a FLOA con el fin de revisar su solicitud de financiación, gestionar su contrato de crédito y, en su caso, el cobro. Para más información, haga clic aquí.

See Italy's Terms & Conditions in Italian

Paga in 3x, 4x [senza interessi] tramite carta di credito con il nostro partner FLOA Bank.

Il nostro partner finanziario FLOA (come di seguito definito) propone soluzioni di pagamento per i tuoi acquisti di beni e/o servizi, con pagamento differito, in 3 o 4 rate con carta di credito, senza interessi. Queste soluzioni di pagamento sono riservate agli individui (persone fisiche aventi maggiore età) residenti nel territorio dell’Italia e in possesso di una carta di credito del circuito Visa o MasterCard che non scada prima della data del

pagamento dell’ultima rata.

FLOA, société anonyme, capitale sociale di 72.297.200 Euro, n. di iscrizione 434 130 423 nel Registro delle Imprese (RCS) di Bordeaux, sede legale in Immeuble G7 - 71 Rue Lucien Faure 33300 Bordeaux, FRANCE inclusa nel registro tenuto da ORIAS al numero 07028160. Sottoposta al controllo dell'Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 PARIS, FRANCE (‘’FLOA’’).

Aderendo alla soluzione di pagamento dilazionato di FLOA, instaurerai un rapporto contrattuale autonomo tra te e FLOA, regolato dalle CONDIZIONI GENERALI DEL “PAGAMENTO DIFFERITO”, “PAGAMENTO IN 3X”, “PAGAMENTO IN 4X” di FLOA disponibili qui (‘’Condizioni Generali di FLOA’’). Ti invitiamo a leggere attentamente tali Condizioni Generali di FLOA.

Ti preghiamo di considerare che se richiedi il pagamento dei tuoi ordini di beni e/o servizi per mezzo di una di queste soluzioni di pagamento, i tuoi dati personali saranno trasmessi a FLOA al fine di esaminare la tua richiesta di finanziamento, gestire il tuo contratto di finanziamento e, dove opportuno, il recupero del credito. Per maggiori informazioni leggi la Privacy Policy di FLOA disponibile qui.

See France's Terms & Conditions in French

Notre partenaire financier Floa, propose des solutions de paiement pour vos achats de biens et/ou de services, en différé, en 3 ou en 4 échéances par carte bancaire. Ces solutions de paiement sont réservées aux particuliers (personnes physiques majeures) résidants en France, titulaires d’une carte bancaire Visa ou MasterCard possédant une date de validité correspondant à la durée du remboursement. Floa, RCS Bordeaux 434 130 423, dont le siège

social se situe Immeuble G7 – 71 Rue Lucien Faure à Bordeaux (33300) soumise au contrôle de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) 4

Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 PARIS CEDEX 09 et enregistrée à l’ORIAS sous le numéro n° 07 028 160 (

Floa se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser votre demande de financement ; vous disposez d’un délai légal de rétractation de 14 jours. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.

Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que si vous demandez à payer votre commande de biens et/ou de service au moyen de ces solutions de paiement, vos données personnelles seront transmises à Floa à des fins d’étude de votre demande de financement, de gestion de votre contrat de crédit et le cas échéant, de recouvrement. Pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici.

See Belgium's Terms & Conditions in Dutch

Betalen in 3termijn(en) kosteloos per bankkaart met onze partner FLOA.

Onze financiële partner FLOA biedt betalingsoplossingen voor uw aankopen van goederen en/of diensten, via uitgestelde betaling of in 3 termijnen [binnen een periode van twee maanden] met een kredietkaart, en dit, zonder kosten.

Deze betaaloplossingen zijn voorbehouden aan particulieren (meerderjarige natuurlijke personen) die in België wonen en in het bezit zijn van een Visa of MasterCard bankkaart die niet vervalt voor de laatste aflossingsdatum.

FLOA, naamloze vennootschap met een kapitaal van €72,297,200, ingeschreven in het handels- en vennootschapsregister (“RCS”) van Bordeaux, Frankrijk, onder het nummer 434 130 423, en waarvan de maatschappelijke zetel gevestigd is te Immeuble G7 – 71 Rue

Lucien Faure, 33300 Bordeaux, Frankrijk, en onderworpen aan het toezicht van de Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 PARIS CEDEX 09, Frankrijk, en ingeschreven bij het ORIAS onder het nummer 07 028

160 (

FLOA behoudt zich het recht voor om uw financieringsaanvraag te accepteren of af te wijzen; u heeft 14 kalenderdagen de tijd om uw aanvraag te herroepen. Voor meer informatie, klik hier.

Wij maken u erop attent dat indien u via deze betaaloplossingen verzoekt om betaling van uw bestelling van goederen en/of diensten, uw persoonsgegevens aan FLOA worden doorgegeven ten behoeve van de verwerking van uw financieringsaanvraag, het beheer van uw kredietovereenkomst en, indien van toepassing, voor de invordering. Voor meer informatie, klik hier.

See Belgium's Terms & Conditions in French

Paiement en 3X sans frais par carte bancaire avec notre partenaire FLOA.

Notre partenaire financier FLOA propose des solutions de paiement pour vos achats de biens et/ou de services, en différé, ou en 3 échéances [dans un délai de deux mois] par carte bancaire et ce, sans aucun frais. Ces solutions de paiement sont réservées aux particuliers (personnes physiques majeures) résidant sur le territoire de la Belgique, titulaires d’une carte bancaire Visa ou MasterCard n’expirant pas avant la date de la dernière échéance de remboursement. FLOA, SA au capital de 72.297.200 € - RCS Bordeaux 434 130 423, dont le siège social se situe Immeuble G7 – 71 Rue Lucien Faure 33300 Bordeaux, FRANCE. Soumise au contrôle de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)

4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 PARIS, FRANCE.ORIAS n° 07028160 (

FLOA se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser votre demande de financement ; vous disposez d’un délai légal de rétractation de 14 jours. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.

Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que si vous demandez à payer votre commande de biens et/ou de service au moyen de l’une de ces solutions de paiement, vos données personnelles seront transmises à FLOA à des fins d’étude de votre demande de financement, de gestion de votre contrat de crédit et le cas échéant, de recouvrement. Pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici.