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Book Flights in Swedish Krona

Buy Flights in Swedish Krona With Alternative Airlines

Search for your flights in Swedish Krona (SEK) and pay in Sweden's national currency. Alternative Airlines offer flights from over 650 airlines, with more than 25 different payment methods and 160 different currencies to pay in.

Want to know how to pay for your flights in SEK? Follow our short guide below.

Swedish krona notes

About Swedish Krona (SEK)

Sweden's official currency is the Swedish Krona, represented by the ISO code SEK and the symbol kr. Situated in Northern Europe, Sweden is the nation where this currency is utilized. The issuance and regulation of the Swedish Krona are under the authority of the Sveriges Riksbank, commonly known as the Bank of Sweden.

Swedish Krona (SEK) Denominations

The Swedish Krona is available in various denominations, catering to the needs of everyday transactions. Banknotes come in values of 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 Kronor. In contrast, coins are issued in denominations of 1, 2, 5, and 10 Kronor, making it convenient for consumers to handle smaller transactions and exact change. While the öre coins used to be a subunit of the Krona, they are no longer in circulation due to inflation, with amounts now commonly rounded to the nearest whole Krona.

Alternative Airlines search form

How to book flights in Swedish Krona

Search for flights

Use our search form at the top of the page to enter your travel details including your departure/arrival airports, the days you plan to fly and the number of passengers flying. Hit the 'Search Flights' button to proceed.

Select the currency converter

If your default currency isn't set to Swedish Krona (SEK), you can use our currency converter at the top of the flight search form to search for Swedish Krona.

Search for Swedish Krona

You can search for any currency with our currency converter tool. To book your flights in the Swedish Krona, search for 'Swedish Krona' in the search field and select SEK.

Confirm your booking

The search results will now show all available flights with the cost of the ticket in Swedish Krona. You can also change the currency you're searching in with the 'Currency' filter above the search results. Click 'Confirm Selection' and follow the instructions on the next page to secure your booking.

Buy Now Pay Later logos

Fly Now Pay Later in Swedish Krona with Klarna

If you can't afford the full cost of your flight upfront, simply opt for Klarna as your preferred payment method during the booking process on Alternative Airlines. When you choose Klarna, you have the convenience of booking your flights today and paying up to 30 days later. No interest. No fees when you pay on time. Klarna offers swift approval decisions, and if your request is approved, you can promptly confirm your chosen flight through Klarna and receive your e-ticket without delay. Book your flights today and pay up to 30 days later. No interest. No fees when you pay on time.

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Buy Flights in Swedish Krona FAQs

Can I buy flights with Swedish Krona?

Certainly! You have the option to reserve flights using Swedish Krona at Alternative Airlines, and you can also choose from over 160 other currencies. When you make use of our currency converter tool, booking your flights in your preferred currency becomes a simple and convenient process.

What payment methods can I use to pay in Swedish Krona?

During the checkout process, Alternative Airlines provides a diverse range of payment options. These include credit cards, debit cards, and alternative online payment methods like PayPal and Apple Pay. All of these payment choices are accessible in Swedish Krona, allowing you to pay in your preferred currency. Additionally, we offer the Buy Now Pay Later service Klarna, which also operates in Swedish Krona, giving you flexibility in how you manage your payment for your flight.